April 9, 2022 8:56:55 PM UTC
10,500,000 sats
0.105 BTC
April 7, 2022 2:56:47 PM UTC
10,000,000 sats
0.1 BTC
April 7, 2022 5:14:27 AM UTC
400,000 sats
0.004 BTC
April 7, 2022 4:59:58 AM UTC
300,000 sats
0.003 BTC
April 7, 2022 1:34:16 AM UTC
100,000 sats
0.001 BTC
Includes a funded opendime containing 1million sats and a d'anconia copper coin.
The opendime is sealed in the back of the art piece. To remove the coins the seal must be broken. It cannot be replaced. Is the funded art or the coins worth more?
More information at MVDEX.IO
Inspired by the reality of objectivism, MVDEX (MADEX) creates artwork for the worthy individuals and artists that preserve the great motor of the world and manifest the pursuit of excellence.
In 2018, a radical group of sovereign entrepreneurs recruited MVDEX to express their free-market ethics and limited government philosophy into a compelling and sexy aesthetic phenomenon. His instantly recognizable process emerged as the cultural catalyst of the sound money revolution, a divine revelation which purified his purpose and transformed his existence from observation to revolution.
Physical Artwork:
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