2.5M sats
0 sold
XCPinata Collection is a limited set of Historic NFT counterparty assets minted/issued in 2015 that reward collectors with continued airdrops.
I created the XCPinata assets at a time when I was experimenting with art and blockchain in order to realize my dream of digital originals. Previously I had been creating digital art for years that had no other way to make it "unique" other than printing the image. It is the artist' thinking (which lead to the crypto art/projects) that is most important for the historical significance of these pieces. From these initial assets being minted I went on to create various blockchain projects and content. In order to keep with the original spirit of art, experimentation, playfulness and blockchain I started the XCPinata project to reward participants and share my thinking the art is the token in and of itself.
Notable Accomplishments:
2009 - Created my first copyrighted character.
2010 - Digital original exhibition called "SpektrumMEK".
2011 - Sold 1/1 Cryptographically hashed jpegs of Pandas with traits.
2013 - Created one of the first AR exhibits in a fine art gallery for the "Paper to Pixel" exhibit.
2016 - Became a Polly Thayer Starr Artist with the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.
2016-2018 - Created and sold what I called “Blockchain secured editions” of artwork using ascribe.io
2019 - Produced interactive animated exhibits for NASA.
Each sale Includes X 1 ICECREAM XCPinata Asset: