1M sats
3 sold
CORNSHEET is an official card (Harvest #4 / Card #136) in the Bitcorns project that was produced with a corresponding 8.5 x 11in "Sell Sheet" used to promote Bitcorns at TABCONF (2019) and Rare AF II (2020). 250 Editions of the card and corresponding sheet were produced and individually numbered.
The first 125 were brought to TABCONF in Atlanta where the Bitcorn Foundation was invited to present our project at the event. A podcast was live recorded at our table which you can listen to it here - https://soundcloud.com/user-224956270/bitcorn-uncensored-crop-talk-ep-xxx-black-market-episode
The second batch of 125 were brought to the RARE AF II in NYC where the Bitcorn Foundation provided a pizza party lunch for the attendees of the festival.
This lot also includes everything you need to establish a farm in the Bitcorns project. The 0.0001 CROPS and 100 BITCORNS will establish or add to your farm!
CROPS x 0.0001
Physical Collectible:
Payment can be made from any Bitcoin/Lightning wallet or exchange EXCEPT (fake)rarepepewallet or freewallet mobile/web. These wallets do not support native segwit addresses. If you are paying from exchange, make sure to add back any fee the exchange takes out from the payment amount.