250K sats
140 sold
COASTERUP is the third Bitcoin/Counterparty token sale from the Bitcoin Coaster Cards collection. The art is a high resolution version of the famous Roller Coaster Guy going up recreated from the original artwork scans. COASTERUP features the proper green background signifying the green candle. This token has been created and is being sold by the original creator of the Bitcoin Roller Coaster Guy.
Here is a guide for buying your first Bitcoin NFT from Scarce City.
Purchased cards will be distributed after the sale has concluded (within 24 hours). If buyer does not provide a valid Bitcoin address for accepting the token they will have 7 days to do so after the sale has ended.
Payment can be made from any Bitcoin/Lightning wallet or exchange EXCEPT (fake)rarepepewallet or freewallet mobile/web. These wallets do not support native segwit addresses. If you are paying from exchange, make sure to add back any fee the exchange takes out from the payment amount.