450K sats
2 sold
This is the first edition of the 2022 edition of the BTCTKVR magazine, of which only 210 copies will ever get printed. There will be more editions, but they won't feature this particular cover and won't be backed 1:1 by the BTCTKVRMATWO Counterparty token.
By purchasing this, you are claiming ownership of the two volumes of the magazine. They're manually signed and numbered between 61 and 99 – the sooner you make the purchase, the lower the number. Also, you'll receive a corresponding Counterparty token that's named BTCTKVRMATWO.
Read the magazine online:
Volume 1: https://bitcoin-takeover.com/btctkvr-magazine-2-vol-1/
Volume 2: https://bitcoin-takeover.com/btctkvr-magazine-2-vol-2/
Total supply: 210
Magazines distributed prior to this listing: 110 (numbers 1 to 60 and 100 to 150)
Magazines + tokens included in this listing: 39 (numbered 61 to 99)
Remaining magazines + tokens from this first edition: 60 (numbered 151 to 210)
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