The Rarest Sets
The Rarest Sets
2.1M sats
Ships from North America
25 of 30 sold
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The Rarest Sets is a limited run 8” x 10” hardcover book with 800 full color pages on premium 80lb. gloss paper. The Rare Pepe cards are displayed in sets such as alcohol, crypto, drugs, lambos, movies, politics, etc. All 1,774 cards are included.
Books will be released in batches of 25. This is batch 2 of 4 and includes 25 books (The first five were sold at auction).
The seller guarantees that any future sales will be at or above the price of this listing in BTC terms.
A proof of ownership Counterparty token will be included as well (RARESTSETS). More information about the books can be found at
This Lot Includes:
- 100 Supply
Physical Collectibles:
- The Rarest Sets physical book x 1s
- The Rarest Sets is 8" x 10" and 6 pounds.
Payment can be made from any Bitcoin/Lightning wallet or exchange EXCEPT (fake)rarepepewallet or freewallet mobile/web. These wallets do not support native segwit addresses. If you are paying from exchange, make sure to add back any fee the exchange takes out from the payment amount.
Card transferred to buyer Counterparty address after payment confirmation. Generate a Counterparty address through Freewallet.
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