Winning Bid
Athena Bitcoin
200K sats
We will email you if the seller accepts your offer.
November 11, 2022 10:06:17 PM UTC
200,000 sats
0.002 BTC
November 11, 2022 8:09:18 PM UTC
100,000 sats
0.001 BTC
Signal In The Sand
After war, when everything is in ruins, one species of plant pushes upward, rising through the rubble and claiming a lot of ground.
These plants are called pioneer plants. They are the most robust and potent plants and need the least soil to grow.
Bitcoin is not just robust; it's antifragile. It thrives under stress and chaos. And it cannot be held back by any walls or barriers, whether they are of a physical or psychological nature.
Bitcoin blows our minds and eats cartels for breakfast.
Many believe Bitcoin’s price doesn't matter. But that's not true. In fact, price is everything.
The Bitcoin price is the most important market signal. If the price goes up, freedom goes up; if it doesn't, well... Let's better do our homework and join this revolution. From the comfort of our homes. On Twitter. On Auto DCA.
Every Bitcoin purchase lights a green candle. Every green candle is a part of the 'number go up' mechanism humanity so desperately needs — to restore a sound money standard.
To me, every Sat stacked is a symbolic act of freedom.
It can happen at any point, at any time, anywhere in the world.
The green candle indicates the buy volume and, in some way represents the positive power of Bitcoin, of free markets of hyperbitcoinization, of stacking sats and pumping the corn.
The Signal in the Sand is pushing through tons and tons of sand. Whatever it takes.
Physical Artwork:
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