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Golden Btc Pepe

Winning Bid


200K sats


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September 13, 2023 7:11:40 PM UTC

200,000 sats

0.002 BTC

September 13, 2023 2:21:22 AM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC

Description: Here we have the classic kek stance of the Pepe, this time showcasing some beautiful bitcoin orange fiat filled pills for eyes, a memorizing silver stands out among the brightest of golden Pepe. Make sure to check the 4 second video in telegram to see the sun shine radiating this Pepe into meme lore for future generations. All wrapped in a resin case. 4 inch X 4 inch X 1 inch to make any collection complete. Top KEK.

This Lot Includes:

Physical Collectible:

Dimensions: 4 inch by 4 inch by 1 inch

Materials: epoxy resin, pepe art and bitcoin pills

Item Type: Art Collectible


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