Winning Bid
125K sats
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March 14, 2024 6:48:25 PM UTC
125,000 sats
0.00125 BTC
March 14, 2024 6:48:26 PM UTC
100,000 sats
0.001 BTC
March 14, 2024 6:48:12 PM UTC
75,000 sats
0.00075 BTC
March 14, 2024 6:48:13 PM UTC
50,000 sats
0.0005 BTC
March 12, 2024 7:27:46 PM UTC
25,000 sats
0.00025 BTC
DANKGM was lost in the counterparty wilderness. Created for the dank pepes, it was rejected. Sad and lonely, it wondered what to do with itself. Felt bad man.
Accepted by Fake Commons (Series 47, Card 31) & honoured to be a part of Kekmas, DANKGM is no longer lost. Feels good man!
50% of proceeds to be donated to KEKMAS charities (relating to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict).
Please note the 'token is the art' . But not only does this lot include all 69/69 tokens (100% of supply!!) of the most dank token name (DANKGM), but it includes a hand drawn original picture (mounted/ framed), featuring a dank pepe, waking up to check the bitcoin price and summoning the energy to log in and give a GM to the online nft communities!
About the Artist
CryptoAli is a French artist/ illustrator, currently residing in rural Ireland (twitter @cryptoali1).
After finding Counterparty and falling in love with the Drooling Apes (, he created 8 apes and still has the first 5 framed dabc pictures to auction/giveaway amongst token holders once most of any supply are sold .
Disappointed at other artists starting to burn issuances, DROOLACE made a point, but also made CryptoAli the bad boy of Counterparty (excluding Coit..), a position solidified by TWODROOL. After numerous bans SORRYAPE was given away to all Droolers for partial redemption .
He also was reponsible for 6 Dank Pepes( including the much loved PEPETHEBOSS as well as a Fake Rare (, MRPEPEVERSE and a few Fake Commons and Phunchkins.
CryptoAli is probably best known for his Pepestrology range, which mostly resides on Kaleidoscope (, though considers his masterpiece to be PEPEQUARIUM (based on an oil painting).
Life has meant an abscence from Counterparty for the last few years, but CryptoAli is happy to try and help with Kekmas (50% of all proceeds for DANKGM & PEPETHEGRUMP) and is delighted to finally make it into the Wojaks ( with WOJAKFIGHT .
All his work can be seen here:
Physical Artwork:
Digital Collectible:
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