Winning Bid
275K sats
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November 9, 2024 1:47:37 AM UTC
275,000 sats
0.00275 BTC
November 8, 2024 10:22:19 AM UTC
250,000 sats
0.0025 BTC
November 7, 2024 9:30:57 PM UTC
25,000 sats
0.00025 BTC
With the two pieces shown during the sats conference, Kanuto brings the digital Bitcoin Lightning Network into a tangible, physical form. The artwork consists of several painted layers of wood that represent the network's complex payment channels. The layering of the wood reflects the dynamic flow of transactions that take place between the nodes, enabling fast and efficient payments.
The artfully interwoven fragments of wood illustrate the connectivity, speed and decentralization that define the Lightning Network. By using wood as a natural material, Kanuto builds a bridge between the tangible physical world and the dynamic digital reality of the network.
The pieces thus become a visual metaphor for the future of decentralized finance, where innovative technologies and new forms of connectivity enable fast and seamless transactions.
These are the first and only two wooden LN-Network pieces that Kanuto created between 826800 and 827400.
Physical Artwork:
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