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May 27, 2022 6:09:27 AM UTC
3,000,000 sats
0.03 BTC
May 25, 2022 9:18:39 PM UTC
2,000,000 sats
0.02 BTC
May 25, 2022 8:45:42 AM UTC
1,600,000 sats
0.016 BTC
May 22, 2022 8:36:04 AM UTC
1,500,000 sats
0.015 BTC
May 21, 2022 5:48:00 PM UTC
1,200,000 sats
0.012 BTC
May 21, 2022 10:18:16 AM UTC
1,000,000 sats
0.01 BTC
May 21, 2022 6:03:08 AM UTC
600,000 sats
0.006 BTC
May 21, 2022 5:58:51 AM UTC
500,000 sats
0.005 BTC
May 20, 2022 8:04:40 PM UTC
300,000 sats
0.003 BTC
May 20, 2022 7:59:26 PM UTC
100,000 sats
0.001 BTC
'Bitcoin Standard' - is my hand-drawn and by the game cover 'Civilization VI' inspired vision of a world whose lowest level and foundation is based on Bitcoin and thus embodies the goal of every true Bitcoiner.
My work is meant to symbolize this vision through a giant statue built in the style of antiquity. The statue carries a globe with a giant Bitcoin sign carved in stone. I deliberately chose an ancient statue because our current civilization is based in every way on these people and their values and mechanisms at the time, but these are progressively eroding in the increasingly political, fiat-standardized, modern era.
In my presentation, humanity has woken up to the only possible solution to all ills on the planet, the Bitcoin standard.
This reset is honored by this giant statue while reminding us of the civilization of the planet before the hostages of governments, central banks and their paper money.
With numerous, loving and sophisticated details, realism and liveliness is breathed into the work and incidentally embodies one of the most important core features of Bitcoin: the proof-of-work. In over 80 hours of work and in the very early years of the Bitcoin era, with a lot of accuracy and subtlety, inspired by the inner urge to hyperbitcoinize, it was attempted to create a piece of art that represents what is inevitably to come.
As a very special extra, the artwork was partially drawn in the country that is the first on the planet to attempt to create what the artwork itself is about: El Salvador, more specifically El Zonte, the Bitcoin beach. Thus, this drawing has an immense, ideal value for one or another.
There is no copy, no print and no duplicate of this work, making it a truly unique piece that has been allowed to enjoy the sand of El Zonte and the sun rays of El Salvador.
For more images and information about the artwork as well as the artist click here and here
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